
Showing posts from March, 2021

3 Incredibly Effective Tips to Improve Your Vision | Sure Vision

The following are 3 useful tips that will improve your on multiple levels – both instantaneously and gradually over time. These will help you make your vision clearer and improve your eyesight. Wear Your Glasses Less   Glasses can cause eye strain. Many scientific journals have published papers detailing the impact that wearing glasses has on your natural vision. According to research, minus lenses in particular (worn to correct long distance vision) are very tiring for your eyes, leading to significant eye strain. This in itself can lead to blurry vision and further deterioration of your eyesight. What does this mean for people who have nearsightedness? Wearing your glasses full time will only end up making your natural vision worse. In order to stop this from happening– or at the very least attempt to halt it – you should wear your glasses less. You might find it a bit odd and weird at first but you’re so used to seeing the world with glasses, in overpowering 20/10 focus, tha

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Beautiful | Sure Vision

The eyes are a very important part of our body. They are complex structures that are greatly beneficial for us. They allow us to have the gift of sight, by transmitting light signals to the brain. When light enters the eyes, there occurs a complex series of chemical reactions. These reactions let the eyes absorb light, process colour and transmit nerve impulses to the brain through the optic nerve. This is the reason why we’re able to see things.  H owever, they’re also quite sensitive and can become damaged if exposed to too much light or other toxic substances such as smoke in the environment, chemicals in cosmetic products. They also need some vitamins and nutrients to be able to function properly. For example, vitamin A deficiency can lead to preventable blindness amongst children. There are many measures you can take to protect your eyes and maintain a healthy sight. Nutrition for bright healthy eyes The eyes, like the other organs of the body, need nutrients, vitamins and m

How to Slow Down Myopia? | Sure Vision

  Myopia refers to a refractive error that lets people who suffer from it see objects that are close to them clearly, while distant objects appear blurry and out of focus.   This error in focus occurs due to the shape of the eye. As the eye develops and grows, it starts to elongate or the surface of the eyeball may become curved. This leads to the light rays focusing at a point in front of the retina, instead of directly on its surface. Myopia usually starts from childhood when the eyeball grows too long, causing children to have blurry distance vision. The condition is caused by either genetics, lifestyle or both. It also worsens as we get older because our eyes continue to grow with us. This can have a huge impact on a child’s daily life and can sometimes cause future eye health problems. Fortunately, there has been some new research in the field of ophthalmology that is showing the path to improved strategies to manage myopia in children. Tips to manage myopia 1.      Contro

How to Treat Computer Vision Syndrome with Sure Vision

  Many people have to deal with eye discomfort and vision problems when they use digital screens for too long. The level of discomfort increases the more time you spend in front of the computer. The average middle class Indian worker spends at least seven hours a day on the computer either in the office or working from home. If you want to relieve digital eye strain, make sure you follow the 20-20-20 rule; take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes. Causes & risk factors Staring at a computer or digital screen for long periods of time makes the eyes work harder. Because of this the unique characteristics and high visual demands of computer and digital screen viewing puts you at risk of developing vision-related symptoms. When vision problems are left uncorrected, it can increase the severity of computer vision syndrome (CVS) or digital eye strain symptoms. Spending too long on a computer or digital screen is different from reading a printed page

How to Keep your Eyes Healthy Naturally | Sure Vision

  Your eyes are one of the most important organs in your body. The importance of sight cannot be emphasized enough. We all rely on our eyes to see and understand the world around us. And just as it is important to keep our body healthy, we also need to put effort into keeping our eyes healthy. 1. Eat Well   Good eye health begins with what’s on your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E provide help in keeping off age-related vision issues such as macular degeneration and cataracts. To get these nutrients, you should eat:        ●       Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collards ●       Non Vegetarian Sources: Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish ●       Eggs, nuts, beans, and other non meat protein sources ●       Oranges and other citrus fruits or juices Having a well-balanced diet helps you to maintain a healthy weight. This lowers the risk of developing obesity and related diseases such type 2 diabetes, which is

How To Prevent or Reduce Dry Eyes | Sure Vision

  It is very common to have dry eyes. It happens when your tears can not provide the required lubrication for your eyes. There are many reasons why your tears can be inadequate and unstable. For example, if you don't produce enough tears or if you produce poor-quality tears, it can lead to dry eyes. This instability is responsible for causing inflammation and damage to the eye's surface. Dry eyes are uncomfortable. It causes your eyes to sting or burn. You may experience dry eyes in some situations, like on an airplane, in an air-conditioned room, while on a bike or scooter or after staring at a computer screen for long hours. If you treat your dry eyes, it will reduce your discomfort. These treatments are many such as either lifestyle changes or eyedrops. Dry eyes can be caused by a variety of reasons when the healthy tear film gets disrupted. The tear film consists of three layers: fatty oils, aqueous fluid and mucus. This combination works by keeping the surface of your

7 Tips to Protect your Eyes This Summer | Sure Vision

We all know that summer season is starting to arrive and right now is the perfect time to make sure that you have adequate eye care or proper protection for your eyes. Your eyes are at risk of being exposed to UV and other dangers which you might not be aware of. The following are some useful tips you should know if you are looking for adequate eye care: 1.      Wear sunglasses with UV protection It’s not just your skin that needs to be protected from the sun’s UV rays; your eyes need protection too. If you just use regular sunglasses, you will not be able to completely block all types of UV rays. Wearing high-quality, advanced sunglasses will give you 100% protection from both UVA and UVB rays. This will keep your eyes safe while you are out in the sun. For people who wear prescription glasses, you can get powered sunglasses made instead of taking a separate pair. Sunglasses are just like sunscreen. You must wear them even on cloudy days. If you’re going outside and can’t use su