How To Prevent or Reduce Dry Eyes | Sure Vision


It is very common to have dry eyes. It happens when your tears can not provide the required lubrication for your eyes. There are many reasons why your tears can be inadequate and unstable. For example, if you don't produce enough tears or if you produce poor-quality tears, it can lead to dry eyes. This instability is responsible for causing inflammation and damage to the eye's surface.

Dry eyes are uncomfortable. It causes your eyes to sting or burn. You may experience dry eyes in some situations, like on an airplane, in an air-conditioned room, while on a bike or scooter or after staring at a computer screen for long hours.

If you treat your dry eyes, it will reduce your discomfort. These treatments are many such as either lifestyle changes or eyedrops. Dry eyes can be caused by a variety of reasons when the healthy tear film gets disrupted. The tear film consists of three layers: fatty oils, aqueous fluid and mucus. This combination works by keeping the surface of your eyes smooth, lubricated, and clear. Problems with any of these layers can lead to you having dry eyes.

There are many causes behind tear film dysfunction such as hormone changes, autoimmune disease, inflamed eyelid glands or allergic eye disease. For some people, their dry eyes are caused due to decreased tear production or increased tear evaporation.

Signs and symptoms of dry eye

      Stinging, burning, or gritty/sandy feeling in your eyes

      Blurred vision

      Sensitivity to light

      Excessive watering, or prolonged periods of dryness

      Eye fatigue

      Discharge in or around your eyes

      The feeling of having something in your eyes

      Pain or discomfort in your eyes

How To Prevent or Reduce Dry Eyes

The two biggest changes you can make to get rid of dry eyes are in your environment and habits. The following are some helpful tips:

      Do not let the car heater, fans, hair dryers, or anything else blow air directly in your face. It might feel good to have air in your eyes but it can actually make dry eyes worse.

      Wear sunglasses. Try to wear wrap-around sunglasses to give complete protection to your eyes from all angles when you’re outdoors.

      Do not stare at your computer screen for too long. Take frequent breaks and close your eyes for a few minutes. You can also relax your eyes by looking at a distant object. When on the computer, keep your screen at an angle so that you’re looking downward at it.

      Do not smoke.

      Use lubricating eye drops or artificial tears.

      Do not wear your contacts for too long. Take a break and remove them after every 6 or so hours. It’s also important to clean your contacts thoroughly and properly.

      Use a humidifier to keep moisture in your home, especially your bedroom.

      Eat more omega-3 rich foods such as flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts. These fatty acids are used by the body to create EPA and DHA that reduces inflammation and protects the cell membranes in the eyes.

To ensure comfort for your eyes and avoid dry eyes you can use Sure Vision. Sure Vision is a vision-correcting eyewear in the form of glasses that has a series of pinhole-sized perforations. These tiny round holes improve the vision of the eye by blocking the sun’s indirect rays and instead focusing a narrow beam of light in the eyes. It also exercises the eyes and makes them stronger so that problems like dry eyes do not occur. Surevision Glasses prevent distortion of vision and increases the depth of field. It helps to improve vision naturally at home as well as cooling the eyes and treating dry eyes.

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