How to Slow Down Myopia? | Sure Vision


Myopia refers to a refractive error that lets people who suffer from it see objects that are close to them clearly, while distant objects appear blurry and out of focus. 

This error in focus occurs due to the shape of the eye. As the eye develops and grows, it starts to elongate or the surface of the eyeball may become curved. This leads to the light rays focusing at a point in front of the retina, instead of directly on its surface.

Myopia usually starts from childhood when the eyeball grows too long, causing children to have blurry distance vision. The condition is caused by either genetics, lifestyle or both. It also worsens as we get older because our eyes continue to grow with us. This can have a huge impact on a child’s daily life and can sometimes cause future eye health problems. Fortunately, there has been some new research in the field of ophthalmology that is showing the path to improved strategies to manage myopia in children.

Tips to manage myopia

1.     Control time spent on devices

According to the data collected from over 150 studies it was revealed that the deterioration of myopia occurs mainly due to lifestyle. Nowadays, people of all ages spend hours and hours playing with or working on electronic devices. Of course it is not possible to ask kids not to use these tools at all, but try to limit the time spent looking at the digital screens so that there’s more balance in your child’s day.

2.     Play outside

Kids nowadays spend a lot of time indoors at home and in classrooms, so try to let them take part in more outdoor activities whenever possible. According to researchers, myopia progression can occur due to light levels, which may be directly related to how little time children spend playing outside nowadays. Actually, it has been found that nearly 1 in 4 kids spend more than three hours per day on digital devices, when it might be healthier for them to head outside for some good old-fashioned play. Increased outdoor activity has been shown to stop the onset of myopia by 11-30%. The reason for this may be because the components of sunlight activate vitamin D, which has a huge role to play in eye health. Also, engaging kids with more distance-vision activities when they’re outside, places fewer strenuous near-vision demands on their eyes.

3.     Get the eyes treated

Regular glasses and contact lenses will help the kids see more clearly. But they are not useful for slowing down the progression of myopia, which means that kids might have to rely on increasingly stronger prescriptions as they continue to grow. However, some contact lenses such as soft lenses may be capable of slowing down the speed at which myopia develops. Using multifocal contact lenses can also slow down the progression of myopia and give a more effective and efficient treatment option for children with myopia.

It is very important to control myopia in children because as their eyes grow and their myopia increases, they will have to depend more and more on glasses. This can lower the ability in children to participate actively in sports and other activities. It can also lead to eye health problems in the future.

How can Sure Vision improve vision and treat myopia?

Sure Vision is a vision correction apparatus in the form of a pair of glasses with a series of pinhole-sized perforations. Surevision is based on MC-RECO ( Micro Cavity Refractive Error Correction Occluder) Technique and Research. Each tiny round hole in the glass blocks indirect rays from entering the eye, thus preventing them from distorting your vision.

What makes Sure Vision special is the scientifically calculated distance between the holes which makes all the difference. The carefully calibrated positions of the holes allow the angles of light to hit perfectly onto the retinas. It allows narrow beams of light to enter the eye which further increases the depth of the field and reduces the size of the circle on the retina. This results in improved brightness, contrast and sharpness of the images coming from different angles. It reduces the progression of both myopia and hypermetropia.

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