How to Treat Computer Vision Syndrome with Sure Vision


Many people have to deal with eye discomfort and vision problems when they use digital screens for too long. The level of discomfort increases the more time you spend in front of the computer.

The average middle class Indian worker spends at least seven hours a day on the computer either in the office or working from home. If you want to relieve digital eye strain, make sure you follow the 20-20-20 rule; take a 20-second break to look at something 20 feet away every 20 minutes.

Causes & risk factors

Staring at a computer or digital screen for long periods of time makes the eyes work harder. Because of this the unique characteristics and high visual demands of computer and digital screen viewing puts you at risk of developing vision-related symptoms. When vision problems are left uncorrected, it can increase the severity of computer vision syndrome (CVS) or digital eye strain symptoms. Spending too long on a computer or digital screen is different from reading a printed page. Most of the time the letters on the computer or handheld device are not as clear or sharply defined, the level of contrast of the letters to the background is low, and the presence of glare and reflections on the screen make seeing the screen very difficult.

The viewing distances and angles used for a digital device are also often different than those used for other tasks like reading or writing. Because of this, the focusing that is required for viewing a digital screen can make things more difficult for your eyes. Also, if you have even minor vision problems it can often significantly reduce your comfort and performance at a computer or other digital screen devices.

Having uncorrected or under corrected vision problems can also often lead to computer-related eye strain. Even people who wear an eyeglass or contact lens prescription may find it difficult to keep looking at a computer screen. Some have bad posture while working at the computer. This can result in muscle spasms or pain in the neck, shoulder or back.

Basically, Computer Vision Syndrome happens when you put too much pressure on the eyes. People who spend two or more hours at a computer or other digital screens every day are most at risk of developing CVS.




      Neck and shoulder pain

      Blurred vision

      Dry eyes

These symptoms may be caused by:

      Working in poor lighting

      Glare on a digital screen

      Improper viewing distances

      Poor sitting posture

      Vision problems

      All of the above

Most of the above mentioned symptoms of CVS are only temporary and will reduce after you stop computer work. However, some people may experience continued problems, like blurred vision, even after stopping work at a computer. To protect your eyes, you can use pinhole glasses like Sure Vision. Sure Vision is a vision improvement apparatus that exercises the eye muscles and relaxes the eyes. This helps your eye reduce the effects of CVS. Basically, just put on your Surevision after a work day and let your eyes relax. It also eliminates strain caused by over-powered or underpowered glasses, exercises the ciliary muscles and reduces the glare from nearby light sources. You can also improve your eyesight with Sure vision.

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