How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy and Beautiful | Sure Vision

The eyes are a very important part of our body. They are complex structures that are greatly beneficial for us. They allow us to have the gift of sight, by transmitting light signals to the brain. When light enters the eyes, there occurs a complex series of chemical reactions. These reactions let the eyes absorb light, process colour and transmit nerve impulses to the brain through the optic nerve. This is the reason why we’re able to see things.

 However, they’re also quite sensitive and can become damaged if exposed to too much light or other toxic substances such as smoke in the environment, chemicals in cosmetic products. They also need some vitamins and nutrients to be able to function properly. For example, vitamin A deficiency can lead to preventable blindness amongst children. There are many measures you can take to protect your eyes and maintain a healthy sight.

Nutrition for bright healthy eyes

The eyes, like the other organs of the body, need nutrients, vitamins and minerals, to be able to stay healthy and maintain their proper function. What we eat has a direct impact on the health of our eyes, and eating the right foods can save our eyes from a variety of diseases and conditions. It is very important to prevent eye diseases because many disorders are untreatable. They cause our eyesight to get worse over a period of time and therefore have a significant impact on our quality of life. However, there are many individuals that are unaware of how their nutritional habits can have a bad effect on their eye health and don’t know which types of foods they should eat to protect their eyes.

Healthy eating for bright eyes

      Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals that protect the eyes. Leafy green vegetables (e.g. spinach) are a good source of vitamin A, and citrus fruits and tomatoes are great for vitamin C.

      Lower your fat and increase your fibre intake to protect yourself from diabetes - a metabolic condition that can cause diabetic eye diseases.

      Maintain a healthy BMI for better overall health.

Impact of smoking on your eyes

Most people are aware that tobacco smoke from a cigarette, beedi, or other tobacco product, is very harmful not only for the person who is smoking, but also for other people who get exposed and have to suffer from secondhand smoke. The most common health conditions caused by exposure to tobacco smoke are cancers and heart problems. However, did you know that cigarette smoking and tobacco smoke exposure also have a huge impact on the eyes? They can lead to the development of many eye diseases and disorders. There are not many people who associate eye problems with smoking but numerous scientific studies have clearly shown a link between smoking or passive smoking (i.e. being exposed to another person’s tobacco smoke) and a higher vulnerability to eye disorders.

The best way to prevent these eye diseases is to just quit smoking and avoid being around people who smoke.

How to keep your eyes healthy and improve your vision?

Keeping your eyes healthy is not a hard thing to do. As long as you eat right and avoid smoking, you’ve already extended the healthy life of your eyes. Another thing to do is to exercise your eyes. This will not only make your eyes healthy but also improve your vision. Sure Vision is vision-correcting eyewear that improves your eyesight naturally and prevents eye strains caused due to bad vision. It has a series of pinhole-sized holes in the lenses that block indirect rays of light from entering the eye, thus preventing them from distorting your vision. Wearing Sure Vision regularly will keep your eyes active and healthy.

So, what are you waiting for? Give your eyes the good health it deserves with Sure Vision glasses!

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