Tips for Healthy Eyes: 5 Good Foods for Children’s Eyesight

As schools around the country start to reopen, there are many things you may be worried about, especially when it comes to your child’s health. While as a parent you may be doing your utmost to keep your child safe, are you sure that you’re as prepared as you think?

While focusing on overall health, many parents tend to ignore their child’s eye health. Winter is a time when our eyes are the most vulnerable. Are you sure that your child’s eyes are protected?

Here’s what you can do.

If you want a sharp sight, you need to eat right. Your child’s eyes require several key nutrients in order to function properly. As they are in the growing stage, foods for eye health are crucial for healthy eyesight. Not getting enough nutrition can lead to poor vision in the future. The key for better vision is eating the right foods to improve the overall eye health from the inside.

1.     Bell peppers

Bell peppers provide the most vitamin C per calorie. It's great for the blood vessels in your eyes, and studies have also shown that it could lower your risk of getting cataracts. Red coloured peppers are also full of eye-friendly vitamins A and E apart from their immunity boosting properties.

2.     Dairy

Dairy products such as milk and dahi are great for the eyes. They are rich in vitamin A as well as the mineral zinc. As discussed above, Vitamin A protects the cornea while zinc helps in bringing that vitamin to the eyes from the liver. Zinc is abundant in the eye, especially the retina and choroid. Choroid is the vascular tissue that lies under the retina. This important mineral aids with night vision along with the prevention of cataracts.

You can give dairy to your child throughout the day. Give them a tall glass of milk in the morning or give them a katori of dahi with their dinner.

3.     Orange-colored produce

Sweet potatoes, mangos, and carrots (of course) are rich in beta-carotene. This is a form of vitamin A that improves your eye’s ability to adjust to darkness, aka night vision. Orange-colored fruits and vegetables are also a great source of vitamin C (particularly sweet potatoes), which helps the body form and maintain connective eye tissue.

4.     Greens

Green, leafy vegetables are packed with vitamin A that protects the cornea (transparent dome on the surface of the eyes). You can make it in a variety of ways so that your children enjoy it. There are endless possibilities when it comes to fresh produce.

Eating a variety of leafy greens such as spinach, methi, arbi leaves keeps the eyes lubricated and prevents dry eyes. Children can develop dry eyes, especially during winter months because of the lack of moisture in the air. This can be distracting and painful. Introduce your children to new food so that they enjoy their dinner while getting the nutrition they need.

5.     Eggs

Eggs are a great food for eyesight improvement. The yolks are rich in a variety of nutrients which are good for eye health such as vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc. Vitamin A protects the cornea. The cornea refers to the surface of the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthin lower the risk of serious eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Zinc improves the health of the retina which is the back of the eye. Zinc also helps with night vision.

This is an extremely versatile food that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can hard boil them, make an omelette or even add them to cakes or sandwiches.

Along with good food, ask your kids to exercise their eyes every day and to take breaks from the computer screen, even during online classes. Continuous staring is bad for the eyes. Encourage them to get enough rest by keeping their eyes closed. All these lead to increased eye strength.

If you are having trouble getting your child to exercise their eyes, you can use Sure Vision. This is a very useful device to increase the strength of children’s eyes so that they do not suffer from eyesight problems. Sure Vision pinhole glasses allow only narrow rays of light to enter the retina which makes the eyes work harder thereby improving their strength. Use it for just half an hour every day. It causes no issues to the eyes and in many causes can even lead to eyesight improvement.

For more information, please visit


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