How to Treat Farsightedness Naturally with Sure Vision Pinhole Glasses

If you have farsightedness and are looking for something natural to strengthen your vision, then this blog is just for you. So without further ado, the following are 3 ways you can treat your farsightedness. These are proven and tested exercises that will help in keeping your muscle alert for clear long distance vision.

Flutter blinking exercise

If you want good eye health, you should blink as often as possible. Blinking helps in both rehydrating and refreshing the eyes as it keeps them coated with a good layer of beneficial tears. It also gives your eyes the break it needs. According to recent studies, naturally we blink around 15-20 times per minute. That means 1200 times per hour. But, these numbers decrease significantly during moments of stress or when we focus on something intensely such as watching TV or staring at the computer screen. If you spend too long staring at a computer screen, remember to try and blink regularly. This will help reset your eyes and reduce the chances of developing computer-induced eye-strain.

Doing flutter blinking exercise promotes a rapid blinking of your eyes at certain intervals. The blinking should be soft and natural and not unnecessarily aggressive. Follow this technique with continuous inhaling and exhaling as our breathing is the reason we get nourishment for our visual system.

This method is a natural remedy for dry eyes as it lubricates the eyes. On the other hand, blinking makes sure that the natural moisture in the eyes is increased, thereby bringing about a lubricating phenomenon. This works best naturally for dry eyes and with farsightedness.


For maximum comfort, it is best to do this while you are sitting down with your arms propped up on a desk or when you are lying down on the floor. Start by rubbing your hands together to generate warmth. Now use them to cover both your eyes (you can choose to do with eyes open or not). Make sure not to apply pressure on your eyeballs. Your hands should cover your eyes completely so that there is complete darkness. Now stare into the darkness. Do this for 5 minutes. You might think that this seems too simple and odd, but this eye exercise releases eye tension and stress. It also helps in relaxing the eye muscles and eye strain which is a huge part of  regaining your natural eyesight. Also nothing is simple when it comes to exercising your eyes.

Pinhole effect

You can see an almost immediate improvement with this method. Pinhole effect is achieved when all the angled lights are blocked from entering your eye, and only the light that comes directly to your eye is allowed to enter. This allows the image to fall on the retina very easily without requiring our inner lens to retract the light rays. If you want to test out the pinhole effect, clench your fist and see through the hole created at the back of your fist. Do you see more clearly now than before?

The best way to achieve this pinhole effect for a longer time is through the use of pinhole glasses. Sure Vision vision improvement glasses are the best pinhole glasses for treating farsightedness and short sightedness. For a better natural eye improvement tool, try Sure Vision. SureVision glasses are recommended by several natural vision enthusiasts for improvement of eyesight. The research on which Sure Vision glasses are based on, suggests that overall vision can be improved by wearing pinhole glasses for 15 minutes daily because it retrains our eyes to focus more clearly.

You can buy Sure Vision through either cash on delivery or online payment. Make sure you don’t buy duplicate cheap pinhole glasses. These are cheaply made and do not help your eyes. The holes in Sure Vision are at a carefully calibrated distance which makes it one-of-its-kind in the market. If you really want to improve your vision then invest in Sure Vision. You won’t regret it!

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