5 Important Facts About Astigmatism You Need To Know


Have you heard the term astigmatism before?

Astigmatism is a common refractive error that changes the ability of the eye to focus light. It occurs when the curvature of the eye is irregularly shaped, preventing the light rays from meeting at a common focus. Most people tend to have a degree of astigmatism, though many may not notice it. It can, however, in severe cases cause significant vision issues.

Do you suspect that you might have astigmatism? If you want to know whether or not you have astigmatism, you can either visit an eye care professional or take an astigmatism test online.

If you do indeed have astigmatism, then here are 5 things you need to know.

1.     Astigmatism is caused due to an irregularly-shaped cornea

If you have astigmatism, you must have experienced out-of-focus eyesight from any distance. This is because your cornea (the transparent surface of the eye) is shaped like a football instead of the normal spherical structure of an emmetropic eye (when light rays that reach the eye focus perfectly on the retina; this is ideal vision). With a rounder shape, the eye is able to keep the amount of light that enters in control, making it easier to see clearly. An irregularly-shaped eye, however, means that the light that enters is distributed unevenly, leading to blurred vision.

2.     No one really knows the cause of astigmatism

We know why a person’s eyesight is blurry (an irregularly-shaped cornea) and we also know what effect this can have on vision. But researchers and scientists are still unsure as to how this occurs in the first place. The only thing we know clearly is that people with astigmatism are typically born with this condition, meaning their eye shape has always been football shaped. Though sometimes, trauma or eye injury may force this shape to shift too.

3.     Do not rub your eyes vigorously

Rubbing your eyes constantly can damage your cornea and eventually lead to increased pressure and irregular change in the shape of the eye.

4.     Astigmatism can change depth perception

Depth perception refers to the ability to observe the world in 3D. Astigmatism makes it difficult for you to understand how close or far an object is to you or the distance between two objects.

A lack of depth perception is more likely when only one eye has astigmatism, as it can create a feeling of imbalance. Astigmatism also blurs the edges and outlines of objects, so even if you have excellent depth perception, the overall quality of your vision may still be poor.

5.     Astigmatism has degrees of severity

Someone who has mild astigmatism has < 1.00 dioptre. Moderate astigmatism has 1.00 to 2.00 dioptres, while those with severe astigmatism will have 2.00 to 3.00 dioptres. Astigmatism comes with other symptoms as well such as headaches, tired eyes and experience sensitivity to bright lights.

Near-sighted people may improve their vision by squinting. Or they can use Sure Vision glasses. Sure Vision are vision correcting pinhole glasses that works on the same principle of squinting. The holes in Sure Vision allow only narrow rays of light to enter into the eye. This improves depth perception as well as astigmatism. People with astigmatism will immediately notice a difference in their vision as they wear Sure Vision. You will also have better clarity and depth of focus.

So what are you waiting for? Why live a blurry life when you can have Sure Vision!

For more information, please visit https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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