3 Incredibly Effective Eye Exercises for Astigmatism | Sure Vision


It is very common to have astigmatism. This eye disorder affects the muscles around your eyes which leads to undue stress on the cornea causing the cornea to lose its shape. This causes blurry vision. Some other symptoms of astigmatism are double vision, eyestrain, eye irritation, and headaches. One may have astigmatism from their birth or it could be a result of trauma, congenital conditions or eye surgery. It is in no way a threatening disorder but it is certainly frustrating and annoying as it can make a simple task like reading a book complicated. However, it is possible to treat astigmatism naturally through eye exercises.

1.     Muscle relaxation

The rectus eye muscle can become very strained over time, and astigmatism might lead to a weak or tight rectus muscle. The rectus muscle relaxation exercise works by slowly and gently relaxing the eye rectus muscles. The exercise can be done in the following steps:

1.     Place your thumb in front of your face about 10 cm above the nose.

2.     Now move your thumb like it is running on a clock. Start by slowly moving your thumb to 12 o’clock where you won’t be able to see it and leave it there for 2–3 seconds.

3.     If you feel tension, that’s okay. Go back to the initial nose spot and move back to 1 o’clock then again to 3,5,6,7,9, 11 before going back to noon.

4.     Do not forget to breathe from the center out. Relax your muscles by exhaling slowly.

5.     Do this exercise for 2 minutes and repeat 2–4 times a day.

2. Eye Massage

Similar to body massages, eye massages are also an effective and relaxing way to reduce strain. This is especially true for those suffering from astigmatism. The reason the following exercise is beneficial is that it helps in restoring the shape of the lens distorted due to astigmatism.

1.     Close your eyelids and put two fingers on each lid.

2.     Apply gentle pressure and move your fingers from right to left, top to bottom in a circular motion

3.     Move your fingers clockwise and counterclockwise. Repeat 10–15 times in both the right to left and circular motions

4.     Do this exercise for 1 minute and repeat 2–4 times a day.

3. Reading

This doesn’t mean that you should pull out just any book and start reading. There is a technique to this. It has to be done a certain way so that you can get rid of the pressure and strain caused by astigmatism.

1.     Wear your glasses and pull out a book

2.     Put a playing card or something else to the side and concentrate on that after you’ve read one paragraph

3.     Switch back and forth between the book and the object

4.     Keep doing this until your eyes start to feel tired

5.     Do this exercise for 10 minutes and repeat 2–4 times a day.

Each one of the above-mentioned exercises improves the strain put on the eyes by astigmatism. Doing these daily will definitely help the damage that has been caused by astigmatism while also giving your eyes new methods of practice to improve your traction, span and reduce pressure. If you cannot find the time to do all these individual exercises, you can just combine them all and get the same benefits by using Sure Vision.

Sure Vision pinhole glasses exercise your eyes by only allowing narrow beams of light to pass through your eyes. This makes your eyes work harder which in turn strengthens the eye muscles. Wearing Sure Vision for just 15 minutes every day can not only improve the symptoms of astigmatism but also improve your vision if you have myopia or hypermetropia. So, give your eyes the care it deserves with Sure Vision Eye Therapy Glasses.

For more information, please visit https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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