6 Easy Home Remedies to Prevent Dry Eyes

 If your eyes constantly burn, itch or feel gritty, you may be suffering from dry eye syndrome. Generally, it occurs as a result of low production of tears or low-quality tears.

There can be a number of causes for your dry eyes, such as the medication you’re taking, the time spent glaring at your phone or computer without blinking, exposure to dry air or smoke, wearing contact lenses, or aging. Regardless of the cause, it feels pretty terrible.

For this, there are many natural remedies for dry eyes. They are:

1.     Apply a warm washcloth to your eyes

Wet a clean cloth using warm water. Place the cloth over your eyes for five minutes. Redip the cloth in warm water again when it cools. Rub the washcloth gently over your eyelids — including the base of the eyelashes — to get rid of any dirt or debris.

2.     Use mild soap on your eyelids

Regular soap or face wash is too harsh for your eyes. You need to use baby shampoo. Put the cleanser on clean fingertips and massage your closed eyes gently near the base of your eyelashes. Rinse completely. Apply a warm compress to the eyes and then wash the eyelids gently using baby shampoo to release the oil in the tear glands. This will improve the quality of your tears.

3.     Use lubricating gels

Lubricating gels have a thick texture so they may blur vision. The best time to apply them is before bedtime. However, you should keep your upper and lower eyelids free of facial creams at bedtime, as these can get into the tear film.

4.     Blink more frequently

Consciously blinking more frequently promotes eye health and opens up glands.

5.     Drink More Water

Water is necessary. So, it’s no surprise that drinking water is beneficial for your eyes. This water lubricates your eyes, allowing them to produce tears, focus and function efficiently. If your body is not properly hydrated, your eyes struggle to clear out debris, blink comfortably or even see without straining.

6.     Eat supplements

Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D are all needed to decrease your dry eye issues. Other than supplements, you can also get omega 3 from salmon, sardines, flax seeds, and anchovies. Vitamin A and D are found in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

7.     Avoid sweets

Try to stay away from artificial sweeteners and sugars to prevent dry eye. If you have diabetes, you need to make absolutely sure that your blood sugar levels are kept within the recommended range to avoid eye damage. It can also be beneficial to drink 8-10 glasses of water every day.

8.     Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a great rewetting agent for dry eyes. It creates a protective layer over the tear film layers. This reduces evaporation as well as inflammation that irritates your eyes. Just soak a cotton ball in coconut oil and place it directly on your closed eyelid. Repeat this several times a day until your dry eyes feel better.

Sure Vision To Treat Dry Eyes

Sure Vision is an eye care apparatus that protects and provides relief to your eyes by allowing only narrow beams of light to hit your retina and blocking all other light. These therapeutic synoptic glasses have been specially created to relax your eyes and treat dry eyes. They can also aid in treating both short-sightedness and far-sightedness. Wearing Sure Vision glasses will not only give protection to your dry eyes but also improve your eyesight naturally as it increases the depth of field and clarity of vision.

For more information, please visit https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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