How To Improve Eyesight Naturally At Home


If the question is how to improve eyesight, then the answer is good habits.

We live in a world that is quite unfriendly for our eyes. Our day begins and ends with staring at small fonts and images on our smartphone/computers. So, it is no surprise how common things like eye fatigue and eye diseases are.

Along with this, these devices also emit harmful blue light that can make your eye problems even worse. But this doesn’t mean that you cannot do anything to boost your eyesight. This includes a few eye exercises and diet modifications.

Eating the best foods for eye health can make a world of a difference to your eyesight. Eat more antioxidant-rich foods such as leafy greens, yellow pepper, egg yolks, pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes.

Yellow and green vegetables also help you avoid macular generation, which can sometimes lead to blindness. Also, if you’re non-vegetarian, eat more fish as it is rich in fatty acids. Sulphur-rich foods such as garlic and onions help in preventing cataract formation.

One of the best ways to take care of your eyes is to take care of your entire body. Having a healthy diet, sleep patterns, and exercise, along with regular checkups and good hygiene, can improve the fitness of both your eyes and your body.

1.     Vitamins and minerals

As discussed above, eating the right food for eyesight improvement is vital. Vitamins such as A, C, and E, along with the mineral zinc, are rich in antioxidants that can be very beneficial in preventing macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is a condition in which the macula - the part of the eye that controls central vision deteriorates.

You can get the nutrients your eye needs by eating some colourful vegetables and fruits, such as red peppers, spinach, carrots, broccoli, strawberries, sweet potato and citrus. Also, salmon and flaxseed are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are very beneficial for eye health.

2.     Wear Sunglasses

Sunglasses do more than just make you look cool. It is one of the best ways of improving your eyesight. Choose sunglasses that can block out 99 to 100 percent of UVA and UVB radiation coming from sunlight.

They play a big role in keeping the eyes safe from cataracts, macular degeneration, and pterygium - a tissue growth over the white part of the eye. Pterygiums can lead to astigmatism, causing blurry vision.

3.     Do not smoke

Smoking increases your vulnerability to developing several physical health issues. This includes optic nerve damage, age-related macular degeneration, and cataracts — all of which are bad for your vision.

4.     Palming

Palming is a very easy, not to mention beneficial exercise to do. It relieves eye strain and boosts eyesight. For this exercise, all you need to do is rub your palms together to produce heat. Now place your palms gently against your eyes for a few seconds and repeat 5-7 times.

5.     Exercise the muscles around your eyes

This exercise stimulates the muscles around your eyeballs (that are present within your eye socket). Rotate your eyeballs. First, look to your right, then to your left. Then look upwards and downwards. Repeat in a clockwise and anti-clockwise direction for about three to four repetitions.

We also recommend using Sure Vision to improve eyesight naturally. Sure Vision are pinhole glasses that allow only narrow beams of light to hit the retina. They help your eyes focus by shielding your vision from indirect rays of light. Regular use of Sure Vision will increase eyesight. Not only is Sure Vision helpful for eye strains and eye fatigue, with long term use they can even correct refractive errors such as myopia, hypermetropia, presbyopia and astigmatism. For many, it has even helped in getting rid of glasses completely. It increases both clarity of vision and depth of field.

So, go ahead and grab your chance to see the world a bit more clearly!

For more information, please visit


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