7 False Myths About Eye Care You Should Know


There are many myths related to eyesight and vision that make you confused about what’s good for your eyes and what isn’t. But, how many of them are really true? There are many old wives' tales about the eyes. If you want to improve your vision, here's what you need to know about eye care facts and fiction.

1.     Myth: Wearing glasses or contacts will weaken eyesight

No, your eyes will not become dependent on glasses or contacts and turn weak as a result. Corrective lenses do just that, correct your eyesight - they neither weaken nor strengthen your eyesight. You may have a different prescription over time as a result of aging or the presence of disease, but it will not be due to your current prescription.

2.     Myth: Reading in dim light will harm your vision

No, while it is not recommended, dim lighting will not harm your eyesight or eye health. However, it will tire out your eyes more quickly. The best position to put your reading light in is to have it shine directly onto the page rather than over your shoulder. It is best to have a desk lamp with an opaque shade that points directly at the reading material.

3.     Myth: Eating carrots will improve your vision

The body needs Vitamin A to maintain healthy eyesight and carrots contain high amounts of this nutrient. But the body does not need a lot of this vitamin A for vision. You can get this through many sources such as dark, leafy greens, colorful vegetables, dairy and fish. While eating foods with high content of vitamin A can help you maintain good eyesight, it won't help you get better eyesight or keep you from needing glasses or contacts. Make sure that you eat vitamin A-rich foods along with fat to be able to absorb it better.

4.     Myth: Looking directly at the sun does no harm

Staring at the sun for even a short time without the right eye protection can cause permanent damage to your retina and in extreme cases may even lead to blindness. Just wearing ordinary sunglasses and homemade filters is not enough to protect your eyes from the sun. The only safe way you can look directly at the sun is by using special-purpose solar filters.

5.     Myth: Using computers can harm your eyes 

While it’s not really good, looking at a computer screen will not damage your eyes, but doing so for a long term can lead to eyestrain, dry eyes or tired eyes. Make sure that you give your eyes time to relax every 20 minutes by looking up or across the room. Blinking is good for your eyes as it keeps your eyes well lubricated. You can also use artificial tears to promote moisture. 

6.     Myth: Sitting too close to the tv will reduce your vision 

If you sit too close to the TV for long periods of time, you may get a headache, but it will not damage your vision.

7.     Myth: 20/20 vision means perfect vision 

When people say 20/20 vision it means that a person has an excellent central vision. However, there are many other types of vision as well such as side vision, night vision, or color vision, that might not be functioning at their best. And eye diseases have no association with bad eyesight. Even people with perfect eyesight may develop glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy later in life. During this time, they may be damaging parts of the inner eye, but the central vision may remain unaffected.

8.     Myth: Eye exercises do not improve vision

Eye exercises are very useful for the eyes as they strengthen the eye muscles and improve eye health. They also prevent issues like eye strain and dry eyes. If done regularly they also have the power to improve vision.

Finally, if you want to improve your vision by doing eye exercises, you can do so conveniently with Sure Vision. Sure Vision are eyesight improving pinhole glasses that exercise your eyes and help you get better eyesight. Sure Vision allows only narrow beams of light to hit your retina which makes your eyes work harder to see. It increases depth of field and provides better clarity of vision. After using Sure Vision glasses regularly you will definitely see an improvement in your vision after a few months. In fact, many have even gotten rid of their corrective glasses completely after using Sure Vision.

So, want to live a glasses free life? Then, buy Sure Vision NOW!!

To buy/know more about Sure Vision, click here: https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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