
Showing posts from October, 2021

How To Improve Eyesight Naturally At Home

  If the question is how to improve eyesight , then the answer is good habits. We live in a world that is quite unfriendly for our eyes. Our day begins and ends with staring at small fonts and images on our smartphone/computers. So, it is no surprise how common things like eye fatigue and eye diseases are. Along with this, these devices also emit harmful blue light that can make your eye problems even worse. But this doesn’t mean that you cannot do anything to boost your eyesight. This includes a few eye exercises and diet modifications. Eating the best foods for eye health can make a world of a difference to your eyesight. Eat more antioxidant-rich foods such as leafy greens, yellow pepper, egg yolks, pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes. Yellow and green vegetables also help you avoid macular generation, which can sometimes lead to blindness. Also, if you’re non-vegetarian, eat more fish as it is rich in fatty acids. Sulphur-rich foods such as garlic and onions help in preventing cat

4 Winter Eye Problems And How To Fix Them

  As the cold weather continues to draw closer, it’s time to take all the blankets and sweaters from the closet and get ready to get cozy. However, winter does not come without problems. In particular, the snow and cold air can be very bad for your eyes. The extreme temperatures and precipitation of the season does no favors for your eyes. Whether you love winter or hate it, you still have to take steps to protect yourself from the potential hazards of this weather. While you probably remember to wear your jacket before going outside, you may overlook the threat this season poses for your eyes. 1.      Dry Eyes The cold outdoor air has less moisture in them compared to other environments. Winter often comes with issues such as dry skin, chapped lips, and dry eyes due to low humidity. Cold winter winds can also cause your eyes to become dry. To combat this drying ability of winter air, its best to drink as much water as you can and increase your intake of omega-3s. You can also buy a hu

5 Important Facts About Astigmatism You Need To Know

  Have you heard the term astigmatism before? Astigmatism is a common refractive error that changes the ability of the eye to focus light. It occurs when the curvature of the eye is irregularly shaped, preventing the light rays from meeting at a common focus. Most people tend to have a degree of astigmatism, though many may not notice it. It can, however, in severe cases cause significant vision issues. Do you suspect that you might have astigmatism? If you want to know whether or not you have astigmatism, you can either visit an eye care professional or take an astigmatism test online. If you do indeed have astigmatism, then here are 5 things you need to know. 1.      Astigmatism is caused due to an irregularly-shaped cornea If you have astigmatism, you must have experienced out-of-focus eyesight from any distance. This is because your cornea (the transparent surface of the eye) is shaped like a football instead of the normal spherical structure of an emmetropic eye (when li

7 False Myths About Eye Care You Should Know

  There are many myths related to eyesight and vision that make you confused about what’s good for your eyes and what isn’t. But, how many of them are really true? There are many old wives' tales about the eyes. If you want to improve your vision, here's what you need to know about eye care facts and fiction. 1.      Myth: Wearing glasses or contacts will weaken eyesight No, your eyes will not become dependent on glasses or contacts and turn weak as a result. Corrective lenses do just that, correct your eyesight - they neither weaken nor strengthen your eyesight. You may have a different prescription over time as a result of aging or the presence of disease, but it will not be due to your current prescription. 2.      Myth: Reading in dim light will harm your vision No, while it is not recommended, dim lighting will not harm your eyesight or eye health. However, it will tire out your eyes more quickly. The best position to put your reading light in is to have it shine d