5 Eye Care Tips For Computer Users


Staring at your computer screen for hours on end can really damage your eyes. While you work in front of a computer, your eyes keep focusing and refocusing. As you read something on your screen, your eyes will move back and forth. Often, you will have to look at a lot of documents while working and keep switching your eyes between the document and the computer screen.

Doing this makes your eyes respond to the changing images on the screen in order to allow your brain to process what you are seeing with your eyes. These tasks cause strain on your eye muscles. The flicker, contrast and glare of the screen makes things even worse for your eyes.

If you are already suffering from an eye problem, then it’s like adding fuel to fire. As you age, working in front of a computer screen becomes even more difficult as the lenses in your eyes start to become less flexible than before.

 Most screens are backlit with blue light, which can interfere with your sleep cycle. A study was done on the effects of reading on a phone/tablet before bedtime versus reading a printed book before bed.

The group that read on the phone/tablet took 10 minutes longer to fall asleep and didn’t sleep as well as the group that read printed pages. The researchers believe that the blue wavelengths emitted by electronic screens can interfere with melatonin production. Melatonin is a sleep-inducing hormone. Consequently, those using screens for longer periods of time often suffer from insomnia.

1.     Adjust display settings 

Keep the brightness of your computer screen level with the lighting in your surroundings. If your monitor is acting like the main light source, it may become too bright. On the other hand, if the display looks dull, it may be too dark.

Next is font. Don’t set the size of font on your computer too small. This would require you to squint or move your eyes closer in order to read them. More so, keep the text black with a white backdrop, because it gives the ideal contrast for the comfort of your eyes.

This is to reduce the color temperature so that you can lessen the amounts of blue light that gets reflected off the screen.

2.     Hold digital devices away from your eyes

People who hold their phones close to their eyes are at a greater risk of straining their eyes. Phones and other digital devices give out blue light which causes eye strain. When you hold them closer to your eyes, it puts your eyes under stress. So whenever you use a smartphone or tablet, hold them as far as you can from your eyes. You can try making the print bigger for better reading.

3.     Use Night Mode

Modern smartphones have night mode features that make it easier for you to automatically reduce the strain on your eyes at night. Keep the feature on. Your phone will automatically adjust screen settings based on what time it is.

4.     Use Anti-Reflective Screen Protectors

The screens of smartphones are glossy. Matte screen protectors give an old-screen LCD look to your phones. They protect the screen while also reducing the glare from ambient lights or sunshine. They don’t cost much, either!

5.     Take your vitamins

If you have eye problems then there may be a deficiency of some vital vitamins in your body. You can take them externally. Eat Vitamin A rich food. This is very important for the better health of your vision and reinforces the macular tissues in your eyes. This keeps your vision sharp and clear. Vitamin A rich foods include cheese, egg yolk, milk, and butter.

If you want to reduce eye strain and make your eye muscles stronger, then you need to exercise your eyes. You can either do different eye exercises on your own or you can use Sure Vision. Sure Vision pinhole glasses give a complete workout to your eye muscles which not only reduces eye strain but also improves your vision. So, if you want to improve your eyesight naturally then Sure Vision is the answer for you. It is made based on the revolutionary MC RECO technique. The holes in Sure Vision allow only narrow beams of light to penetrate to the eyes. With regular use, some people may even get perfect 20/20 vision.

So, what are you waiting for? Improve your vision with Sure Vision!

For more information, please visit https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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