10 Best Natural Eye Care Tips For Your Eyes | Sure Vision


The eye is the jewel of the body. They are the windows to the world. This is why it’s really important that they are given the proper care they deserve. Your daily routine, lifestyle habits and everyday stress can lead to eye strains, dry eyes and dark circles. Changing just a few everyday habits can really reduce the odds of eye problems and disorders to a large extent.

Best natural eye care tips for your eyes

1.     Eat a balanced diet

To ensure good eye health, it’s important to eat a variety of foods. Eat different kinds of fruits and vegetables, particularly deep yellow and green leafy vegetables. Omega 3 fatty acids are also very useful for your eyes. You can get your required dose of Omega 3 by either eating fish or getting supplements.

2.     Get regular exercise

Regular exercising can help you prevent conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. These conditions can ultimately lead to chronic eye problems that cause vision damage.

3.     Wear UVA blocking sunglasses

Exposing your eyes to sunlight can damage your eyesight and increase your vulnerability to cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) or corneal growths, like pterygium and pinguecula.

4.     Do not expose your eyes to digital screens for too long

Most people spend hours staring at digital screens like on their cell phones, tablets and laptops etc. These devices give off high energy blue light waves that can cause eye damage over time. Take lutein and zeaxanthin supplements to help your eyes filter blue light naturally. Also, keep your computer screen 20 to 24 inches away from your eyes and adjust the lighting to minimize glare. Since we blink less when we’re staring at screens, it’s important to consciously blink as often as you can. Lastly, let your eyes rest by taking a break every 20 minutes and focusing on an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds.

5.     Wash your hands before you touch your eyes

This is particularly useful advice for contact lens wearers. Before you touch your eyes, wash your hands with mild soap and dry them using a lint-free towel. This will prevent germs and bacteria from entering your eyes through your fingers. These bacterias can cause eye infections like pink eye and cysts.

6.     Work in a well-lit area

Whenever you are working, make sure that the area is well lit, and the computer screen is not brighter than the light in the background. Also, stay away from the window to minimize glare as it can make your eyes work harder, thus causing eye strain.

7.     The 20-20-20 Rule

Do not look at the computer screen for too long. Follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, take a break and focus on something that’s 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This will reduce eye strain and improve the eye’s ability to focus.

8.     Blink

Often when you get too busy, you forget to blink. The moisture on the surface of the eyes, responsible for keeping your eyes lubricated, evaporates, causing your eyes to get dry. This leads to dry eyes syndrome. So, make sure you blink often.

9.     Use computer eyewear

Consult an optometrist and get customized computer spectacles. Always wear it while you work on the computer, especially if you wear glasses or contact lenses.

Nowadays, most of us prefer contact lenses. And taking all the precautions to maintain the hygiene of the contact lenses is crucial for eye health to avoid the risk of an eye infection.

10.                        Use Sure Vision

Sure Vision is a vision correcting apparatus that can prevent eye problems and improve your vision. It is a glass with a series of pinhole sized perforations that allow only narrow beams of light to reach the eyes. This exercises the eyes and results in vision improvement.

For more information, please visit https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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