Is It Possible to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally? | Sure Vision

 In the technology-obsessed world we live in today, it is impossible to avoid constantly keeping our eyes on the computer and mobile whether it’s for work or play. But this necessity does not make it any less dangerous for our eyes. Playing games for hours on mobile and being in a toxic relationship with junk food not only damages the eyesight but also causes many other eye-related problems. Children nowadays start using mobile phones at a very young age. You might be coaxing your child by distracting him with YouTube, but by doing this you are leaving no stone unturned in weakening his eyesight. Apart from this, it is even more dangerous to play on the mobile with the lights off at night, as many of us tend to do.

The blue rays emanating from our screens are very harmful for our eyes. If you are facing problems like burning or stinging in the eyes, constant watering, sudden and rapid loss of vision, blurred vision or web formation on the eyes, redness in the eyes, you need to be careful. Low vision is an issue that is increasing rapidly all over the world. So, what can you do to avoid this outcome?

Let us tell you some important tips which will not only improve your eyesight but may also make you free from glasses forever.

Precautions and other measures for proper eye care

      Whether working on a computer screen or on a mobile, it is important for you to give your eyes some rest every ten minutes. To do this, blink your eyes several times so that you can moisturize your eyes naturally. Also, make sure you close your eyes for a few moments.

      You need to have at least 8 hours of sleep for healthy eyes. This is important not just for your eyesight but for your overall health as well.

      Do eye exercises. For this, fill your mouth with air and let your eyes tear up as much as possible. Now close your eyes while releasing the air. Place three fingers over the eyes. Repeat at least ten times. Do anulom-vilom pranayama.

      Wash your eyes thoroughly with clean water. For this, fill your mouth with air and pour water on the eyes. This will clean the eyes.

      Make sure you get your eyes checked at least twice a year. Use glasses to avoid blue rays. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from strong sunlight and harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun.

      Massage mustard oil on the soles of the feet and walk barefoot on green grass in the morning.

Sure Vision eye therapy to improve eyesight naturally

Sure Vision is a vision correction apparatus in the form of glasses with a series of pinhole-sized perforations. It is made using the MC-RECO (Micro Cavity Refractive Error Correction Occluder) Technique. It may seem similar to any other pinhole glasses in the market. But what sets Sure Vision apart is the precisely calculated distance between the holes which makes it effective in eyesight improvement. Other pinhole glasses are just some holes poked in regular glasses. This is not enough. Sure Vision has carefully calibrated the positions of the holes so that the angles of light hit perfectly onto the retinas. This allows for improved brightness, contrast and sharpness of the light coming from different angles. It not only helps improve your vision but also aids in reducing eye strain symptoms. Now it’s time to stop using your glasses all the time, you just need to use one for a few months - your Sure Vision.

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