Everything You Should Know About Sure Vision Pinhole Glasses


Sure Vision pinhole glasses, also known as stenopeic glasses, are eyeglasses with lenses having many tiny holes that fill an opaque sheet of plastic. These pinholes do not allow indirect rays of light to enter the eye which prevents them from distorting your vision. When you let only narrow rays of light into your eye, it allows you to see more clearly.

There are several uses for Sure Vision. Some people use them to treat eye conditions like myopia also known as nearsightedness and hypermetropia (long sightedness). Other people use it to try and improve their astigmatism.

Evidence suggests that pinhole glasses do work. Squinting essentially does the same thing as pinhole glasses. It narrows the size of indirect light rays that hit the retina. You can achieve the same effect by making a small circle with your thumb and your pointer and looking through it. If you don't have any significant vision problems, you might not notice much of a difference. If you wear corrective lenses, however, you will notice a significant improvement.

When you look through Sure Vision you will notice that there are four triangles, one in each corner of each lens. Do these simple exercises whenever you have some free time.

1.     Rotate your eyes from one triangle to the next in a clockwise direction, 10 times or more. Repeat this in an anti-clockwise direction.

2.     Move your eyes from side to side between the triangles. Do this 10 times or more. This action is used to simulate rapid eye movement.

3.     Hold a magazine or book at arms length and choose one word. Focus on this word and slowly move your arms towards your eyes as closely as you are able to focus. Now slowly move it to arms length again, while still focussing on your chosen word. Repeat 10 times.

Using Sure Vision

It is best to wear Surevision when watching TV or reading. Always make sure you have adequate lighting when you’re reading. As you look through the pinholes some light will be cut out. These glasses are also excellent for computer operators. Computer screens tire and strain eyes rapidly. Sure Vision allows your eyes to relax.

It may take your eyes a little while to adjust to Sure Vision Eye Therapy but in a short period your eyes will not even register that they are focussing through these tiny holes. That is why it is ideal to use them while watching TV. After a while you will forget that you are wearing them.

Sure Vision should be worn for a few hours a day, or as often as possible.

Do not wear them while driving or doing any activity where peripheral vision is required. Do not use them as sunglasses. Always make sure that your glasses are clean and check that no holes are blocked. It is very important to have a complete vision. Sure Vision pinhole glasses are unlike any other because of the carefully calibrated distance between the holes which makes it 3 times more effective than any other pinhole glasses. Make sure you buy the original Sure Vision. You can purchase it from the registered website.

For more information/to buy Sure Vision, please visit https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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