How to Care for Your Eyes During Monsoons | Sure Vision


It is always a wonderful time when monsoons come because it brings with it relief from the scorching sun and the terrible heat. Getting to enjoy the rain and being drenched once in a while feels like bliss. But, the monsoon season is still quite often referred to as the season of infections and diseases.

In monsoons, the air becomes a connecting medium for the bacterias and viruses. Thus, getting even a little careless with your personal hygiene and health can cause major health concerns.

Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body which makes it vulnerable to infections and problems during monsoon. Problems like conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, dry eyes, and stye (pimples over the eyelids), etc. are all very common eye infections that show itself during the rainy season. Some general symptoms of an infection are redness, burning eyes and swelling.

With that in mind, here are 7 tips for healthy eyes during monsoons:

1.     Stay Away from Dust and Use Sunglasses


Having dust particles in the eye can lead to major eye irritation and infections. Thus, it is important to avoid dust storms. It is good advice to use sunglasses or protective glasses in a storm during a journey to prevent your eyes from getting infected by the dirt. Also, if you get caught in heavy rains or dust storms, make sure to wash off the dust from in and around your eyes, as soon as possible.

2.     Clean your Contact Lenses Properly Before Using

If you wear contact lenses regularly, make sure that you use them with utmost care. Wearing contact lenses without cleaning them can lead to some major eye infections and irritation especially during the rainy season.

3.     Wash Your Eyes With Cold Water


Make it a habit to wash your eyes regularly using cold water every time you come home. Avoid splashing water into your eyes. This can cause harm to your pupils. Instead, it is better to wash your eyes gently using cold water to get rid of all the dust particles from within and around the eyes.

4.     Do Not Share Towels and Napkins


Eye infections are communicable diseases. That is if you share items like towels, napkins, and handkerchiefs, it can lead to a transmission of infectious bacteria and viruses from affected members of the family to others. Therefore, do not share these things.

5.     Eat Healthy


The monsoons often make us crave street and junk food. However, unhealthy eating only leads to an increased risk of developing eye problems. Therefore eating oily snacks and cold drinks must be avoided. Instead, make sure you eat healthy vegetables, fruits and salads. Also include green leafy vegetables, corn, berries, yogurt, eggs, etc. in your diet during the monsoon season. These are all healthy foods for healthy eyes.

If you want to improve your eyesight, make sure to exercise your eyes. Sure Vision is an eye care product that improves eyesight naturally. It is the best method of eye therapy to alleviate eye fatigue and treat nearsightedness. This unisex eye exercise glasses contain tiny round holes that correct all refractive errors and avoids eye strains by blocking indirect rays of light and instead focusing narrow beams of light into the eyes. Sure Vision is the best eye therapy to get rid of prescription glasses.

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