7 Common Mistakes That Are Harming Your Eyes | Sure Vision


Eye fatigue is a direct result of our lifestyle. A good example of this is that in modern days we have to suffer from regular eye strains because of our work environment. For most of us, our work is often limited to desk work with a lot of screen watching and no physical movement or exercise. This combined with many other factors are responsible for our increasing vulnerability to weak eyesight, blurred vision and deteriorated overall health.

In our day-to-day lives, we make many common mistakes that are actually quite harmful for our eyes. These mistakes lead to many eye problems such as eye fatigue, eye strains and lowered eyesight.

Mistake #1: Exposure to Ultraviolet Rays

Exposing yourselves extensively to harmful UV rays of the sun puts you at risk for major eye diseases such as cataracts, and abnormal growths.

Mistake #2: Wearing Old Contact Lenses

People who wear contact lenses should follow a strict routine and make sure that their hands are always clean when they’re handing their contact lenses. They should also make sure that the lenses or the solution they use are in good condition and not past their expiry date. When you do not take care of your contacts properly, it invites many eye infections and diseases.

Mistake #3: Rubbing Your Eyes

Many of us have a habit of rubbing our eyes. It might seem wrong to hear but rubbing your eyes actually increases the chances of damaged eyesight rather than giving any relief. When we rub our eyes a lot, it spreads dust and bacteria into our eyes which can lead to vision problems later on.

Mistake #4: Using Expired Eye Makeup or Products

Many women often forget to check the expiry date on eye makeup or products that they use on a daily basis. The truth is that using expired eye makeup or products can cause a lot of damage to our eyes.

Mistake #5: Smoking

Smoking is not just really bad for your general health, it can also lead to a lot of vision issues. Cigarettes significantly increase your vulnerability to developing age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.

Mistake #6: Staring at a smartphone all-day

Staring at a digital screen all day puts a lot of strain on our eyes and can lead to development of weak eyesight. This is the reason why computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain has become such a common issue in today’s world as technology has become an important part of our lives.

Mistake #7: Using redness drops

Eye drops that reduce redness in the eye can be very useful but using them too regularly can have a negative impact on our eyes. These eye drops constrict our blood vessels and relying on them too much can lead to eye damage in the future.

If you really care for your eyes, then you need to avoid these mistakes. In order to reduce eye fatigue and to improve eye health, you also need to exercise your eyes. Sure Vision can help you exercise your eyes anytime, anywhere so that you can get rid of eye strains and have better eyesight. It is the perfect apparatus for people with hypermetropia and myopia who want to improve their eyesight. Surevision is an unisex anti-hypermetropia eye exercise glasses with tiny round holes that correct all refractive errors and prevent eye strains by blocking indirect rays from the sun and instead focusing narrow beams of light into the eyes.

For further information, visit https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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