18 Really Interesting Facts About Your Eyes | Sure Vision


There are so many interesting facts about the human eye right from their first development in animals around 550 million years ago, to the fact that the most common eye color is brown.

Human eyes can be both interesting and puzzling. They are extremely complex organs and it is because of these complexities that they are so surprising! Here are some interesting facts about human eyes that you may enjoy.

1.     The average blink time is about 1/10th of a second.

2.     Eyes do not take time to warm up. They’re always active.

3.     Eyes are very good at self-healing. If given the right care, it only takes two days for the eye to repair a corneal scratch.

4.     Seeing is such an important part of our existence that it requires about half of the brain to work.

5.     Newborns aren’t capable of producing tears. They only make sounds of crying, but they don’t produce tears until they are about 4-13 weeks old.

6.     There are about 39 million people around the world who suffer from blindness and roughly 6 times as many that have some kind of vision impairment.

7.     Doctors have not yet succeeded in eyeball transplants. The optic nerve that forms the connection between the eye and the brain is too sensitive to be successfully reconstructed.

8.     The cells in your eye are differently shaped. Rod-shaped cells are used to see shapes and cone-shaped cells are used to see color.

9.     All humans blink about 12 times per minute.

10.   Human eyes are about 1 inch in length and weigh about 7 grams.

11.   Heterochromia is a term that describes people who have different coloured eyes

12.  Even if the trait of blue or green eyes has skipped a few generations, these recessive traits can still appear in later generations.

13.  Each of the eyes has a small blind spot where the optic nerve is attached in the back of the retina. The reason you don’t notice this hole is because your eyes work together to fill in the other eye’s blind spot.

14.    The muscles that control your eyes are the most active out of all the muscles in your body.

15. 80% of all vision problems worldwide are both avoidable and curable.

16.  Whether your eyeball is too long or too short, determines whether you’re having problems with your vision. Nearsighted people have longer than average eyes, while farsighted people have shorter eyesight.

17. High exposure to UV rays damages the surface of the cornea and conjunctiva, which causes a condition akin to sunburn known as Photokeratitis.

18. Currently, only cornea transplants for vision improvement is possible, but surgeons say whole eye transplants in humans will be possible within the next decade.

So, given how interesting eyes are, isn’t it obvious that we need to care for them as well? Sight is one of the greatest gifts we possess and we mustn't take it for granted. For the greatest comfort for your eyes, you will benefit from using vision-correcting eyewear. Sure Vision is vision-correcting eyewear in the form of glasses with a series of pinhole-sized perforations. These tiny round holes help in improving the vision of the eye by blocking indirect rays from the sun and instead focusing a narrow beam of light in the eyes. It not only helps improve your eyesight naturally but also promotes better sleep, relaxes eye muscles, and relieves headaches and dry eyes. You can buy Sure Vision through either online payment or cash on delivery. Also, you can now get a cool eye mask free with your Sure Vision.

For more information, please visit https://www.surevisionindia.com/


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