
Showing posts from July, 2021

Is It Possible to Improve Your Eyesight Naturally? | Sure Vision

  In the technology-obsessed world we live in today, it is impossible to avoid constantly keeping our eyes on the computer and mobile whether it’s for work or play. But this necessity does not make it any less dangerous for our eyes. Playing games for hours on mobile and being in a toxic relationship with junk food not only damages the eyesight but also causes many other eye-related problems. Children nowadays start using mobile phones at a very young age. You might be coaxing your child by distracting him with YouTube, but by doing this you are leaving no stone unturned in weakening his eyesight. Apart from this, it is even more dangerous to play on the mobile with the lights off at night, as many of us tend to do. The blue rays emanating from our screens are very harmful for our eyes. If you are facing problems like burning or stinging in the eyes, constant watering, sudden and rapid loss of vision, blurred vision or web formation on the eyes, redness in the eyes, you need to be ca

Everything You Should Know About Sure Vision Pinhole Glasses

  Sure Vision pinhole glasses, also known as stenopeic glasses, are eyeglasses with lenses having many tiny holes that fill an opaque sheet of plastic. These pinholes do not allow indirect rays of light to enter the eye which prevents them from distorting your vision. When you let only narrow rays of light into your eye, it allows you to see more clearly. There are several uses for Sure Vision. Some people use them to treat eye conditions like myopia also known as nearsightedness and hypermetropia (long sightedness). Other people use it to try and improve their astigmatism. Evidence suggests that pinhole glasses do work. Squinting essentially does the same thing as pinhole glasses. It narrows the size of indirect light rays that hit the retina. You can achieve the same effect by making a small circle with your thumb and your pointer and looking through it. If you don't have any significant vision problems, you might not notice much of a difference. If you wear corrective lense

3 Incredibly Effective Eye Exercises for Astigmatism | Sure Vision

  It is very common to have astigmatism. This eye disorder affects the muscles around your eyes which leads to undue stress on the cornea causing the cornea to lose its shape. This causes blurry vision. Some other symptoms of astigmatism are double vision, eyestrain, eye irritation, and headaches. One may have astigmatism from their birth or it could be a result of trauma, congenital conditions or eye surgery. It is in no way a threatening disorder but it is certainly frustrating and annoying as it can make a simple task like reading a book complicated. However, it is possible to treat astigmatism naturally through eye exercises. 1.      Muscle relaxation The rectus eye muscle can become very strained over time, and astigmatism might lead to a weak or tight rectus muscle. The rectus muscle relaxation exercise works by slowly and gently relaxing the eye rectus muscles. The exercise can be done in the following steps: 1.      Place your thumb in front of your face about 10 cm abov