
Showing posts from June, 2021

7 Common Mistakes That Are Harming Your Eyes | Sure Vision

  Eye fatigue is a direct result of our lifestyle. A good example of this is that in modern days we have to suffer from regular eye strains because of our work environment. For most of us, our work is often limited to desk work with a lot of screen watching and no physical movement or exercise. This combined with many other factors are responsible for our increasing vulnerability to weak eyesight, blurred vision and deteriorated overall health. In our day-to-day lives, we make many common mistakes that are actually quite harmful for our eyes. These mistakes lead to many eye problems such as eye fatigue, eye strains and lowered eyesight. Mistake #1: Exposure to Ultraviolet Rays Exposing yourselves extensively to harmful UV rays of the sun puts you at risk for major eye diseases such as cataracts, and abnormal growths. Mistake #2: Wearing Old Contact Lenses People who wear contact lenses should follow a strict routine and make sure that their hands are always clean when they’r

How to Care for Your Eyes During Monsoons | Sure Vision

  It is always a wonderful time when monsoons come because it brings with it relief from the scorching sun and the terrible heat. Getting to enjoy the rain and being drenched once in a while feels like bliss. But, the monsoon season is still quite often referred to as the season of infections and diseases. In monsoons, the air becomes a connecting medium for the bacterias and viruses. Thus, getting even a little careless with your personal hygiene and health can cause major health concerns. Eyes are the most sensitive organ of our body which makes it vulnerable to infections and problems during monsoon. Problems like conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers, dry eyes, and stye (pimples over the eyelids), etc. are all very common eye infections that show itself during the rainy season. Some general symptoms of an infection are redness, burning eyes and swelling. With that in mind, here are 7 tips for healthy eyes during monsoons: 1.      Stay Away from Dust and Use Sunglasses   Having d

18 Really Interesting Facts About Your Eyes | Sure Vision

  There are so many interesting facts about the human eye right from their first development in animals around 550 million years ago, to the fact that the most common eye color is brown. Human eyes can be both interesting and puzzling. They are extremely complex organs and it is because of these complexities that they are so surprising! Here are some interesting facts about human eyes that you may enjoy. 1.      The average blink time is about 1/10th of a second. 2.      Eyes do not take time to warm up. They’re always active. 3.      Eyes are very good at self-healing. If given the right care, it only takes two days for the eye to repair a corneal scratch. 4.      Seeing is such an important part of our existence that it requires about half of the brain to work. 5.      Newborns aren’t capable of producing tears. They only make sounds of crying, but they don’t produce tears until they are about 4-13 weeks old. 6.      There are about 39 million people around the world wh

Sure Vision – Restoring Your Vision Naturally

  To have a normal eye vision, eye apparatus uses with eye muscles, nerves that send the signal to the brain that needs to function in harmony. Pinholes spectacles with opaque which allow light to pass through to the eyes that makes focus easier. Sure vision concept is similar to a camera lens that reduces the amount of light and increases the depth of field to achieve clarity. Regular use of this apparatus takes only minutes a day to stimulate the integral muscles of the eyes in a manner that would never be achieved easily and possible only through surgery. What can Sure Vision do? Sure vision eyewear is specially designed to restrain and give strength to eyes to correct such problems as myopia (nearsightedness), hypermetropia (farsightedness or  aging  vision ), astigmatism (blurry distant & near vision), amblyopia (lazy eye), anisometropia (one eye nearsighted and the other farsighted) through simple natural eye exercises without the use of expensive surgery or operation.