
Showing posts from April, 2021

5 Vitamins for Your Eyes | Improve Eyesight with Sure Vision

  If you want to have healthy vision then you need to take care of your eyes. And it’s not just physical health & lifestyle you must pay attention to but also eating the right vitamins that are good for the eyes. A balanced diet with proper nutrients can improve your eyesight a lot because it can reduce the chances of potential problems with your vision. We all know at least a little bit about vitamins that benefit eye health, for example we’ve all heard about how good carrots are for the eyes. But there’s many things we need to know when it comes to giving our eyes the nutrition it needs to function properly. The following are a handful of vitamins that improve your vision and also lessen the risk of age-related eye conditions. 1.      Vitamin A Vitamin A plays a very important role in improving vision because it helps in maintaining a clear cornea, which is the outside covering of your eye. This vitamin is also an element of rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is a protein in your eyes th

How to Treat Farsightedness Naturally with Sure Vision Pinhole Glasses

If you have farsightedness and are looking for something natural to strengthen your vision, then this blog is just for you. So without further ado, the following are 3 ways you can treat your farsightedness. These are proven and tested exercises that will help in keeping your muscle alert for clear long distance vision. Flutter blinking exercise If you want good eye health, you should blink as often as possible. Blinking helps in both rehydrating and refreshing the eyes as it keeps them coated with a good layer of beneficial tears. It also gives your eyes the break it needs. According to recent studies, naturally we blink around 15-20 times per minute. That means 1200 times per hour. But, these numbers decrease significantly during moments of stress or when we focus on something intensely such as watching TV or staring at the computer screen. If you spend too long staring at a computer screen, remember to try and blink regularly. This will help reset your eyes and reduce the chance